Font changes in Event Description

My upgrade to version 7.2.34062.0 just kicked in recently, and I have just noticed that the font used for Event Descriptions have changed to “Times New Roman” from the usual “Segeo UI”.

After a few tests this afternoon, I observed that;

Edits performed on an Event on the Google Calendar Web interface had no impact on the font displayed in eM Client.

Edits performed on an Event on the Mobile Phone did result in a change in the font displayed in eM Client.

The obvious response would be that the Mobile App is doing something, and that is quite apparent from observation.
However, the Mobile App has not changed since August this year, but eM Client has, so it would seem that eM Client is now picking up formatting detail it has, until recently, ignored.

I’ve sent an email to the author of the Mobile Calendar application (Calengoo in this case) to enquire about formatting changes to the Event Description.

I decided to leave this post here as an indication of compatibility issue.