Hi guys, I’m just struggling to make the folders on the left side to be disappeared … is there a way for that?
You can “right click on any mail account folders” and there is a “Hide” option on the dropdown menu.
Those folders will then only show “under +More” at the bottom of the account when you expand it.
You can also “right click on your mail account name” and click “Show / Hide” Folders and set any folders to hide status.
If you don’t want to see any mail account folders, just press the Dash (-) “on the left of the mail account” to collapse the whole account.
Lastly if you don’t want to see the account at all in eM Client as are not using it at the moment, then if you have an eg: IMAP mail account, go to “Menu / Accounts”. Then click your account and click the “General tab” at the top and remove the IMAP check box under Services and Save Accounts.
If you then want to use that account again, just re-enable that IMAP check box.
Note: Removing the IMAP check doesn’t delete any mail, it just hides the account from view.
Many thanks for your reply,
basically I forgot to mention that I am using the mobile version (iOS) of eM Client.
Even though I have found this functionality of the “wish” for the folders in the “portrait” orientation. What I’m missing is exactly this in the landscape view. May it will be integrated in the future.
So are you saying you carn’t show or hide folders or create folder under accounts using the iOS app in Landscape view ? Or it it something else ?
This is more the complete left area w the folders/accounts, with a swipe gesture you can move out from screen. This isn’t working in the landscape mode, there is this area w the folders static don’t swipeable, I mean.
Ok I have tested eM Client mob app V10.0.3530 on iOS 18.2.1, and the folders and swiping left or right etc appears exactly the same for me.
Can you do a screenshot example of what’s wrong in Landscape compared to Portrait.
Note: Blank out anything personal in the image.