filing of the mail

good morning 

  • it is from little that use first EMCLIENT I used outlook. 
  • I have found that the management of the filed mail is difficult. 
  • it would serve to be able to have more briefcase-places (es. one for year) 
  • the briefcase-local ones should be modifiable (name file) so that to be able to manage her to liking (to hook to EMCLIENT or to file her where he/she is wanted) (type those of outlook)

buon giorno 

  • è da poco che uso EMCLIENT prima usavo outlook. 
  • ho riscontrato che la gestione della posta archiviata è difficoltosa. 
  • servirebbe poter avere più cartelle-locali (es. una per anno) 
  • le cartelle-locali dovrebbero essere modificabili (nome file) in modo da poterle gestire a piacimento (agganciare ad EMCLIENT o archiviarle dove si vuole) (tipo quelle di outlook)

Hi Roberto,

I’m not sure what you mean, but you can already make and rename folders under the ‘local folders’ group.

Hi Roberto, thank you for the suggestion, eM Client is built to support all standard protocol such as IMAP, Exchange or AirSync and POP3, using some of these protocols the application synchronizes your subfolders with the server, so any folder you’ve created on the server or in eM Client will be synchronized with the server.

Unfortunately I’m not aware of a mail service that would automatically categorize your emails to year folder.

If you had automatic archiving in mind, it is unfortunately not possible to automatically categorize the messages based on the received date, maybe in future releases of eM Client.

Thank you,