Expand all conversations

eM Client needs a button or an option to expand all/collapse All in a single conversation (in the conversation view). Far easier to print or preview without clicking when we got a huge amount of conversation emails.

Hello Benoit,
thank you for sharing your idea on the forum where our developers can consider it for future updates.


This is a great feature suggestion. Any development yet on it?

Yep, definitely needed!

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This is already provided in version 9.

Please upgrade to the latest version available here: https://www.emclient.com/dist/latest/setup.msi

I want to use conversations… but need the thread expanded by default. Surely there’s a way to do this?

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I am running the latest version. Perhaps I wasn’t clear but I don’t want to have to click the button to view all messages in the conversation - I need to see all messages by default.

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I don’t want to have to click the button to view all messages in the conversation - I need to see all messages by default.

Bumping this thread - IMHO always needing to click the three dots to expand the message chain in a thread feels like repetitive busywork and results in suboptimal UX. We should at least have the option for email chains to auto-expand by default, as this is expected behaviour in other email clients. That eM Client exhibits this behaviour is non-standard and inexplicit.

As a new subscriber of the app via the Windows Store who uses conversations in all views, I for one would be very grateful to see this functionality revised in line with common expectations.