Error when syncing Google Calendar


I am just evaluate emClient and it looks great for me. Till now, I have only one problem, which would have easy solution I guess.

I have a few IMAP accounts and one Gmail. I use Gmail as my primary folder for contacts, tasks and as a calendar. I use it also for syncing my events with my Android.

I have problem, when I receive invitation for meeting and accept it, it cannot be save to my Google calendar and I can see this error:

Uploading item to folder ‘[email protected]/Jaroslav Prodelal/’ failed with error: The owner of the calendar must either be the organizer or an attendee of an event that is imported.

How can I avoid this behavior and still be able to save my invitation for events to my Google calendar from different account?


do you have in Tools - accounts - your account - General tab - User Information same address - Email: same email address?



yes, I have had same email info in that box for my IMAP and Google account. I have changed this in Google account to my original gmail address and it works now!

Thanks for tip.


I am glad that I could help :slight_smile:
