Error Importing Settings

I uninstalled and re-installed because the Archive button stopped working but when I try to import my settings I get this error:

"The ‘SearchFields’ element is invalid

It is encrypted. What can I do?

Annotation 2020-09-03 095328

Did you uninstall/reinstall this way?

(1) Backup
(3) Install the version of choice from

No, I did not. As I was trying to fix a problem that I couldn’t diagnose, I intentionally deleted the database expecting the settings backup file to take care of restoration of everything of importance.

Do you have any advice that could help me at this point in time?

Did you at least do a backup via eM Client?

I did. But that’s nowhere near as critical as the settings backup with accounts, passwords, rules, tags etc. If I’m not wrong, the backup just contains emails that can be downloaded from IMAP server in minutes right?

The backup, if created via the backup option of eMClient, contains everything.

Oh, that restored everything. Thanks! My accounts and passwords were restored too. I don’t believe that backup file was encrypted. Does that mean that my emails and account passwords are at risk if that backup file gets into the wrong hands?

As I said it contains EVERYTHING! Is it encrypted? Are you at risk? Have no earthly idea… above my pay grade.