eM Client funktioniert nicht mehr

Now while opening eM client the mistake announcement “eM client suddenly appears with a news to be downloaded does not function any more” and “after a solution look”. Then appears a window with the badge “Debuggen” and “programme Closing”. Debuggen leads once more to the announcement that client EM does not function any more. After closing the programme and renewed opening (without news) functions eM client again. Cause for this not found!

Can you please post here the error message? Thank you.

There is no error message. Just the check for damaged database etc. And during startup its closing immediatly after synchronising for new messages.

Pictures, ordered by the sequence form first starting the emClient after boot to following starts.

  1. Start


After Checken the Database

Immediatly after builduing up the connection its crashing.

please contact me directly at [email protected] - I will send you further instructions.

Can one put here a dmb file? = Kann man hier eine dmb-Datei einstellen?

No, I think it is not possible.

Okay and thank you: Autoupdate solved the problem automatically (actual version 5.0.17399.0).
Download of the newest version http://www.emclient.com/dist/v5.0.177…> provided new programme without change or takeover in the installed version.