Distribution list aka Contact Group, will not retain addresses

Hi Jon,
I just downloaded and installed the free version 6 (installed separately from my Pro Version 5 which is part of my Softmaker Office 2012 Pro). So if there is now the opportunity for me to work on the distribution list problem as a beta user, I’d be glad to help out by setting up distribution lists on eM Client 6.

Merry Christmas to your whole eM Client team (and your respective families)!

I’m running eM Client 6.0.19714.0 sync’ed to a company Gmail account. I have distribution lists in Gmail. I can select a existing distribution list in eM Client but no names appear in the list. Thanks for your help - Happy New Year!

Hi, all betas will be one day turned off for free and pro users so there is no way to send it to you.

Plus as Softmaker user you will have to contact their support about any issues.


For troubles with 6th version eM Client update to this latest version http://www.emclient.com/dist/v6.0.197…

and tell me if you are able to see distributions lists after.



I installed this version onto my Windows 7 OS and the Distribution list is still there. In Windows 7, this version seems to be stable and keeping the distribution list.

Ken Green,
Houston, Tx

I understand, Jan. Thanks for your information, and Happy New Year to you, your coworkers and your family.

you are welcome :slight_smile:


Hi John
I have 6.0.19861 on Windows 7 32-bit. The distribution lists keep disappearing
I create 1 list of 87 names for the HOA and was able to email all.

There is a choice in the combo box to choose to save either as
Local Contacts
[email protected]/Contacts

The distribution lists were fine when saving as Local Contacts. I tried to change and save it to my Yahoo account Contacts instead. I restarted the software and the distribution lists are gone.
Not only are the ones from Yahoo not being retrieved (I checked and I still have emails groups which is Yahoo Distribution Lists Names); on the other hand, there is nothing left in my Local Contacts

I found my contact list disappeared apparently randomly - I traced it to having hidden my local folder - that’s where contacts are stored.