different default font for html "plain text" messages

I am new to eM and currently considering switch from Thunderbird.
One of the ‘obvious’ features I am missing in eM (or just cant find) is ability to set different default display and edit font for HTML and TEXT messages. I would like to see and edit TEXT messages in monospace and HTML in proportional.
in eM it is possible to set default fonts separately for viewing (Setings->Mail->Read and Setings->Mail->Compose) but not separately for HTML and TEXT. In the other words I am missing this font selection form Thunderbird:

Is it already possible, or are there plans to implement separate font selection for TEXT and HTML?


Hello Marcin,
you are correct, the font setting is not divided at this time.
I will change your question to an Idea thread so our developers can consider this feature for future versions of eM Client.
