Der Lizenzserver hat einen internen Fehler zurückgegeben (fehlendes, benötigtes Feld)

i have the free version of emclient. I activated it and it worked well … a few weeks ago it was not activated anymore. So i tried to activate it again with my license key but i got to following message: “Der Lizenzserver hat einen internen Fehler zurückgegeben (fehlendes, benötigtes Feld).” The licensing server returned an internal error ( missing required field )

Hi Dirk, what version of eM Client are you currently using? Are you able to access in your browser?
Have you been using the application on multiple computers?

Thank you,

Hi Paul,

i installed Version 6.0.20631.0
Yes, I can open the silverlight Page in my browser, where i can see a login page.
No, it is only installed on one Computer.

Thank you


Hi again, have you tried to activate the product again, maybe it was a temporary issue.

Thank you,

i don’t think so, because i have been trying to activate it again (it has been activated before, but with an update it lost the activation) since the beginning of the soccer world championship. I also uninstalled it and installed it again, but it remembered all of the settings. I also installed a newer version. I think, i have to clean all of the registry entries it uses, but i don’t know the names of the keys.

Thanks again,


Can you please send me your licensing information to my email [email protected]?
Please include a reference link to this forum topic.

Thank you,