Delete single email directly without opening it

Can a delete button please be displayed directly in the email list by the email when you are over it with the mouse cursor, so you can delete it without opening it. In Windows Mail it looks like this…

Screenshot 2022-08-11 111148-Mail-Delete-Button

For marking e-mails and the status change read/unread the buttons are already shown, if you are with the mouse cursor over an e-mail in the list. In Mailbird this is also solved very well. In addition, there is also the direct search for e-mails from the sender…


This would be a nice feature, but if I hover my mouse over an email in the list, I can’t see any icons except the little “flag” on the left.
I am using eM Client 9.1.2082 on Windows 10 pro 21H2.

You use the compact layout. In the single line layout it looks like this:

Screenshot 2022-08-15 130745

True! Dankeschön aus Tübingen.

See my reply here: Delete Mail Without Opening? - #5 by Gary

Thanks for adding the delete button in the new version! :slightly_smiling_face:
Hopefully the functionality can be updated again in the following versions. It is not good that after deleting an email with the new button, the one in the list below is always selected. The email selected before the deletion should remain selected.
In addition, I always open eM Client with the view “all inboxes”, where the delete button is partly hidden. Only when I switch to any account and back to “all inboxes” is the view correct. Temporarily changing the width of the complete window area of the message list has the same effect.

After opening eM Client with “all inboxes”…

After changing the view…