Database verification and repairing failed. Please contact the support team

Database verification and repairing failed. Please contact the support team at [email protected] and include your contact information, so we can get back to you.

If the database repair fails, the database is corrupt and cannot be repaired.  If you are using IMAP or Exchange, you can easily delete the database end reenter the account information:

1.  Exit eM Client
2.  Rename (or delete) the following:  c:\users[user_name}\AppData\Roaming\em Client (note:  this is a hidden file, make sure you have view/“Hidden items” checked in Windows Explorer).
3.  Open eM Client-- a new database will be created
4.  Renter your account information.

IMAP and Exchange accounts will automatically synchronize.

If you are using POP3, you can follow the steps above, but to get old data, you will need to restore from a backup.