Custom fields: em can't import them from csv or sync with gmail

I tried to import a csv coming from Outlook 2003 and no custom fields were imported in em client. But they are all there inside the csv. Then I tried to add custom fields in one of my gmail contacts and sync contacts with em, but em client seems to ignore them, there is no trace of other fields.
I found posts dated 2 years ago but didn’t find any solution.

Is there any workaround? Could I “convert/rename” an existing em field (unused by me) to work it out? Like “Email 3” -> “Favourite song”, just to make an example.

Thanks a lot!

Hi Pasquale, whenever you’re importing from a CSV file, you should be able to select what column will be assigned to what value, if unknown is selected, eM Client was unable what kind of field this column would be and you have to select it manually.

Hope this helps,