CSV export of Distribution List

When attempting to export a distribution list named ‘test_2’ containing 2 contacts - full name, given name, surname, file as, category and email - for each, in CSV format, the content of the file produced is as shown below:-

Attachment,Full Name,Prefix,Given Name,Middle Name,Surname,Suffix,File As,Job Title,Company,Category,Mobile Phone,Work Phone,Work Phone 2,Fax,Car Phone,Company Phone,Home Phone,Home Phone 2,Home Fax,Other Phone,Email,Email Display As,Email 2,Email 2 Display As,Email 3,Email 3 Display As,Work Address Mailing Name,Work Address Street,Work Address City,Work Address Zip,Work Address County,Work Address Country,Home Address Mailing Name,Home Address Street,Home Address City,Home Address Zip,Home Address County,Home Address Country,Other Address Mailing Name,Other Address Street,Other Address City,Other Address Zip,Other Address County,Other Address Country,Web Page,Web Page 2,Web Page 3,AIM,GaduGadu,GoogleTalk,ICQ,IRC,Jabber,MSN,Skype,Yahoo,Other Instant Messenger,Note,Languages,Assistant’s Name,Assistant’s Phone,Manager’s Name,Manager’s Phone,Referred By,Spouse,Children,Birthday,Anniversary,Hobbies,Department,Profession,Office,Bank Account,Salutation,Nickname,Gender,Free/busy URL,Calendar URI,Calendar Request URI,Created,Updated,FolderFalse,test_2,test_2,test_2,Unspecified,21/11/2016 13:57,21/11/2016 13:57,Contacts

Note, details of the two contacts in the ‘test_2’ list are not shown.


Assuming that the CSV file should contain the 2 contacts’ details, What could I be doing incorrectly, or is this an eM Client malfunction?


Exporting details of a single contact works as expected, lower lines shown in bold:-

Attachment,Full Name,Prefix,Given Name,Middle Name,Surname,Suffix,File As,Job Title,Company,Category,Mobile Phone,Work Phone,Work Phone 2,Fax,Car Phone,Company Phone,Home Phone,Home Phone 2,Home Fax,Other Phone,Email,Email Display As,Email 2,Email 2 Display As,Email 3,Email 3 Display As,Work Address Mailing Name,Work Address Street,Work Address City,Work Address Zip,Work Address County,Work Address Country,Home Address Mailing Name,Home Address Street,Home Address City,Home Address Zip,Home Address County,Home Address Country,Other Address Mailing Name,Other Address Street,Other Address City,Other Address Zip,Other Address County,Other Address Country,Web Page,Web Page 2,Web Page 3,AIM,GaduGadu,GoogleTalk,ICQ,IRC,Jabber,MSN,Skype,Yahoo,Other Instant Messenger,Note,Languages,Assistant’s Name,Assistant’s Phone,Manager’s Name,Manager’s Phone,Referred By,Spouse,Children,Birthday,Anniversary,Hobbies,Department,Profession,Office,Bank Account,Salutation,Nickname,Gender,Free/busy URL,Calendar URI,Calendar Request URI,Created,Updated,FolderFalse,Pat Endacott,Pat,Endacott,“Endacott, Pat”,[email protected],Unspecified,15/07/2016 17:37,15/07/2016 17:38,Contacts

Your help will be appreciated.

Thank you,

Ivan Rutter