Crashing on click of certain folder

Hey all, I see some threads on this: I have never crashed like this, it seems a 9.2.1222.0 issue.

I can repeat this by clicking on the shared sent folder.

I am a .net programmer and 30 year developer, have checked all the basics, machine runs perfectly well.

Looking at the crash, it seems it is perhaps some sort of drawing error “get width” of system.drawing. My guess is that something about this folder is rendering odd and its crashing.

      <assembly>System.Drawing.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51</assembly>

It does seem related to my O365 sent folder, I have dropped the account and re-added to see if that helps.

eM Client 9.2.1222.0 false Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19043.0 6.0.11 en-US en System.ArgumentException Parameter is not valid. System.Drawing.Common System.Drawing.Common.dll 100663984 System.Drawing.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51 System.Drawing.Image get_Width 14 c72bfae6

Drop and rebuild didn’t work. I also removed about 10 days of sent mail into another folder. I reset column configs and hid avatars. Very strange and a little disconcerting.

I see some threads on this: I have never crashed like this, it seems a 9.2.1222.0 issue.

Do you have the threads on this issue ?

I moved 2 weeks of mail out of the folder and was able to work without crashing. I moved it back in 2 days at a time and it hasn’t failed yet.

I develop apps on about 10 different platforms and I have my share of fails and crash dumps. However, I would prefer some better / granular error handling vs. just an epic crashdump of the app. Perhaps an ignore error option would have allowed me to move past it and even provide a sample of the malformed item to support.