contact picture shape

How can I change the stupid circles of peoples pictures on contacts back to a square/rectangle? Most of my images of people were set up in portrait format and simply don’t work when shown in a circle.

Hello Andrew,

This option is unfortunately not available.


Why?  In the beta stage I specifically raise this point and was assured that there would be the option to have rectangles rather than circles.  People have used rectangles for portraits even before photography, just because some people think a circle is “cool” really is annoying that we are all forced to use it.  Surely this is a quite basic design feature to put back?   I have lots of other issues with this version (will submit separate reports) so feeling going back to version 6 or another product my be my best option :frowning:

Hello Andrew,

I apologize for eventual miscommunication but the only record I can see of this is your post on the forum, labeled ‘Not a problem’ by another member of staff. It also doesn’t seem to be a widespread concern.

Thank you for posting your other issues separately and thus helping us with making the forum a little easier to navigate.
