Connecting to Hosted Exchange

I am trying to connect to a Hosted Exchange Server under my own domain.
The Exchage Server is hosted with (
Whenever I try to use the “automatic setup” em Client tries to connect me with the Office 365 domain. Which I dont have an account with. If I try to connect via “Email” and the I select “Exchange” and enter the username + pwd the em client says it reads the server config but the I get an authentication error.

I think the issue is that that Exchange Server is not hosted on the same domain name as my domain.

Does anybody know a workaround?

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I have exactly the same problem. Same hoster (one of the biggest in Germany). Any solution to this yet? Was about to switch to EM Client but this is preventing me from doing so.

martes 04 enero 2022 :: 2146hrs (UTC +01:00)

Hi @incognitus

There is an Exchange issue, see this link.

¡Saludos desde la soleada Sevilla España!

[email protected]

Hablo español, luego portugués e inglés, con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.

Thanks, but this is not related to the problem, it seems.