Composition Enhancements

OK - after a week there’s a lot I like and not a lot I don’t - and most of what I don’t like is just features I’m used to but a few are really helpful.

When reading a mail, if I highlight part of the text and hit ‘reply’ I expect only that part of the text brought into the composition and I expect it copied as a quote.

The reason: Sometimes, when an email thread gets complex and multi threaded, we don’t want to respond to all of the 26 items they just sent - I want to highlight one section and respond only to that. I can’t COPY it and then “paste as quotation” either, so the only option I have is to reply and then go down through the email I’m addressing and delete everything except the section I want.

Theory: If Thunderbird can do it, then it can’t be all that hard to do.

Highlight & reply = partial copy as Quote
Copy text and then Right Click & “Post as quotation”

Third… the Composition/Reply tool bar does not have Font Increase/Decrease and/of Font Size or an option to add them. These two plus the Font Color (which you have & it’s WAY BETTER than anyone else!!) would make a huge improvement.