Comcast new email started Thursday. Both emclient V6 and V7 stopped working since then but outlook does till work.

Comcast new email started Thursday. Both emclient V6 and V7 stopped working since then but outlook does till work.6:06:42 PM [email protected] [POP3]  MailClient.Accounts.SocketException: Error when receiving from account [email protected] : Unable to read data from the transport connection: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. Diagnostics show Ok for both pop3 and snmt.

Comcast is discouraging Pop3. They recommended a different port. that port failed but that gave me the button to fix. Ran Fix and after trying other ports it went back to 110 and that said it was fixed. it now works with the original configuration but I did get email from [email protected] that I ended up deleting. 
Leaves me with a question. Will emclient support imap?

One thing you can try is the following settings for POP3:

Port: 995
Security policy: Use SSL/TLS on special port (legacy)

Note the setting for Security Policy.

Yes eM Client does support IMAP. In fact most accounts setup with the Automatic Setup use IMAP in preference to POP3. Unfortunately, eM Client has preset settings for Comcast that use POP3, so you will need to do this manually.

Go to Menu > Tools > Accounts , and add a new account using the + icon. Instead of Automatic Setup, select Mail > Other.

After entering your email address, you will have the opportunity to select POP3 or IMAP and enter your account information, and server addresses for IMAP and SMTP.

I was just thinking about your comment and wondering why Comcast is discouraging POP3. It would actually be better to encourage POP3 because the server overhead is much lower than IMAP. :slight_smile: