How do i keep the emails for a closed account - the email no longer exists but emClient keeps trying to connect to it. I need to keep the threads for reference.
If the account has been closed “and the emails were fully cached locally in eM Client prior to closing the account” where they read instantly when you click on them, then “you can read them in offline mode” and drag / move them either to Local folders or an External data file as per the below procedure further down. Then remove that account via “Menu / Accounts” once completed.
Now if your messages “were not fully cached locally prior to closing your online account”, then you would need to contact your mailbox support to re-enable it if they can for say min 1 month to then access your old email to then download. Then you can drag / move them to Local folders or an External data file & then close the account and then remove the account in eM Client.
To drag / move old account fully cached messages either to Local Folders or an External data file in offline mode, “Close eM Client” and “Disable your Internet connection”.
Then hold the “Ctrl key” and then reopen eM Client which will then prompt you to load in offline mode or if it didn’t prompt you, click “Menu / File / Work offline” and close and reopen eM Client.
Then you can create a folder in “Local folders” at the bottom left of eM Client called eg: Old Mail, and then drag / move all your existing closed account messages and message folders under Old Mail. Then once you are confident all your messages are under Local Folders, then go to “Menu / Accounts” and remove your old closed mail account.
To enable Local folders up to V9 (if you don’t have that already enabled), click “Menu / Settings (Preferences) / General” and check the box marked “Show Local folders”. Then save and close Settings.
To enable Local folders in V10 (if you don’t have that already enabled), go to “Menu / Settings (Preferences) / General / Folders” and place a tick next to the box marked “Local Folders”. Then “save & close” Settings
Or if you have eM Client V10, you can also go to “Menu / Data files” and create an external data file on your hard-disk in eg: “Documents / eM Client”, and then create a folder on the data file called eg: Old mail to then drag / move your closed account messages and message folders under that. The data file can then either be left mounted permanently or closed & reopened anytime. Then once you are confident all your messages are under Data Files, then go to “Menu / Accounts” and remove your old closed mail account.
Then to then get out of offline mode, click “Menu / File / Work offline” again or click the “Red Offline” button, and then close eM Client and re-enable your Internet connection and re-open eM Client.
Lastly before doing anything, you would first make a manual backup of eM Client via “Menu / Backup” incase you need to restore for any reason. You can see when the backup is complete in Show Operations via clicking the drop-down on the right of Refresh top left.