Clicking aside a calendar deselect all the others

When I click “very close” to a calendar square in order the select it, but I miss the target, the catastrophic result is that all get deselected and I have to (very carefully!) reselect all of them. Why is it so? In no other app/website clicking in an empty zone has no effect in general. Why can’t we have a “select all/deselect all” button at the top, and leave this side-effect of clicking in the grey area away?

If you want to tick a calendar, you need to click inside the box.

If you click outside the box, so on the calendar name or whitespace, of a calendar that is not ticked, only that calendar will be displayed.

BTW, I changed this to a Feature Request.

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Yes, exactly, and I am saying this is a bug. Clicking on the whitespace should do nothing, because it is very often unvoluntary.

No, not a bug. It is intentional behaviour.

Well, ok; then I am suggesting that this intentional behaviour be reverted. I link to another discussion where several users suggested the same:

It is intended if you click on the name and the folder is not already ticked, that only that calendar will be displayed.

I marked this as a Feature request, so we will consider a select all option.

While we consider adding a select-all option, there is an unpublished keyboard shortcut that may offer a solution for you. If you missed hitting a box and ended up unticking all your folders and want them back, click on a folder name so it has a grey background. Click on it again so the background turns blue. Use Ctrl Space which will tick all the folders.

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Oh thanks! This is really really useful! I still think that the “(de)-select all” option would be needed, but this workaround will certainly save me a lot of time (provided it will not be disabled in future versions…). Thanks again!