changed gmail password for security reasons, can not restore into emclient version 10

I received a security notice to change my gmail password as it was found on the dark web. I went into Gmail in a browser and did so. For over a week, I can not get emclient to work with this account. Another Gmail account still works fine. Any help would be appreciated.

Normally if you have been using a Gmail IMAP account with with OAuth 2 passwordless token then changing a Gmail password in your account normally shouldn’t be asking for a password.

I’d suggest to then go to “Menu / Accounts” and remove and readd your Gmail account via the “automatic account wizard” at the top and “make sure to click allow” near the end to give eM Client access to your Google account. Once the wizard is completed then that should return you to eM Client and all your mail should receive ok.

If you click allow and it won’t go past that, then go into your Google “My account / security / third party apps” section and remove all the eM Client OAuth tokens. Then close eM Client and also close any open browsers and then reopen eM Client and setup again via the wizard.

Note: If you do remove and readd your Gmail account, first before removing make a manual backup of eM Client via “Menu / Backup” incase you need to restore for any reason. You can see when the backup is complete in Show Operations via the dropdown on the right of Refresh top left.

Lastly if you have a Gmail POP account then you have to “add your same Gmail account as IMAP”, and then once added and working, drag / move all your Gmail POP account messages and any custom message folders to your same Gmail IMAP acct. Then once you are certain they are there, remove your old Gmail POP account.