Change "sent from" name?

I just found out that all my e-mails are being received from “owner”. How do I change the program to have my e-mail address show up as sender?

Please, can anyone help? I have two e-mail addresses and would like those to show up as “sender”, not the name of my computer (owner).

I’m having the same problem. Is anyone able to answer this question? Thanks!

open the account settings Tools - Accounts and change the Name in the tab General -User information.

Thanks George. How can I permanently change my “sent” address to show the forwarded email?

For example, my inbox is [email protected], but this receives email from Whenever I reply from my gmail account, I would like the recipient to see @magiclifenetwork and not gmail. Does that make sense?

It does make sense but it is not possible at the moment because you cannot set an alias as default account. We plan to implement this feature in one of the next updates.