Cef log errors

The cef.log shows the following errors:

[0502/130251:ERROR:ipc_channel_win.cc(217)] pipe error: 109[0502/130314:ERROR:ipc_channel_win.cc(512)] pipe error: 232
[0502/130544:ERROR:ipc_channel_win.cc(217)] pipe error: 109
[0502/130556:ERROR:ipc_channel_win.cc(512)] pipe error: 232
[0502/130821:ERROR:ipc_channel_win.cc(512)] pipe error: 232
[0502/130944:ERROR:ipc_channel_win.cc(512)] pipe error: 232

What is the underlying cause?


These errors can show up when for example switching between emails while not all of the images are downloaded from the previous one yet, among other cases. As long as they do not display FATAL instead of error, these can be safely ignored.
