Can not create new email or forward an email.

Hello Tom, by uninstalling your user database should be kept in your user folder in the AppData/Roaming/eM Client folder where all your database files and logs are located.

Try to uninstall the application and re-install using the latest installer, that should help.

Are you using Malwarebytes on your computer, it seems this application has caused a similar or identical issue with eM Client, settings up an exception for the NHunspell should be resolving this issue, we’ve also reported the problem to Malwarebytes and it should be resolved already on their side as well.

I am also using malwarebytes but this only seems to have affected Windows 8.  My laptop on Windows 7 has been ok.  Please confirm that by uninstalling and reinstalling I am not going to lose my data . DO NOT want to have to re-input manually !

Hello as previously suggested, by uninstalling you won’t lose your database user folder, however to make sure you can easily create a database backup using the built in backup feature in File > Backup.

That’s probably it.  We recently switched to Malwarebytes.

Sorry - EM Client  says I dont have permission to create a backup ?

Same here.  I’ll let you know if I can get Malwarebytes to give me an exception.

Since I have the exact same problem…

I have Windows 8.1 ,Malwarebytes, Emclient 6.0.22344.0.

Cannot do anything w/o errors except receive email. Cannot create a backup before reinstall attempt because going to settings gives another error notice.

Also, going to file>backup won’t work…need permission

Well, I solved my problem. A couple of days ago, MB “detected” several suspicious files. They were put in quarantine. I did not pay too much attention then. But just now I opened the MB quarantine and there they were, 4 Em client files. Check the restore box and I was back in business.

My quarantined files have been deleted - can anyone send me copies so that I can restore ?

Message for Paul - Is it possible for you to send me a patch to restore these 4 missing files ?

I was able to uninstall emClient by browsing to my download folder, where I had previously downloaded the current install, when the uninstaller failed because it couldn’t find the msi file.  This may also work for the repair, but I haven’t tried.

The issue appears to be MalWareBytes quarantining key files.  After fixing MWB, a re-install seems to have fixed the issue.  BTW, my account settings appear intact after the uninstall/reinstall, just as a confirmation.

Hello Tom, thank you for following up, I’m glad you were able to restore the database as well as get the application back on, thank you for sharing your solution.

Make sure to let us know if you come across any other issues or questions about the application, we’ll be happy to help.

Hello Stella, sorry I do not recommend this, you should be able to restore the file or your installation by using the repair option while using your current release’s installer. Can you please check the exact release number in Help > About so I can send you the installer.

You should also be able to perform the repair in your control panel under Add/Remove programs, the “Repair” option should be available for eM Client.

Hope this helps.