Can eM Client sync Fastmail notes?

I am a Fastmail user and would like to know if there is support for notes sync in eM Client. As per this article, they have IMAP notes available now but I can’t seen any of my notes in eM Client. I have no problem syncing calendar, mail or contacts.


I am a Fastmail user and would like to know if there is support for notes sync in eM Client

EM Client currently only supports notes if you have a Exchange, Office365 and IceWarp.

So no IMAP notes at this stage.

See eM Client notes link and quote below.

“eM Client fully supports local and server-side Notes. Write fancy notes with pictures and attachments, organize them via tags, and sync notes across all your devices. Works with Exchange, Office365 and IceWarp”

Thanks @cyberzork. Hope to see IMAP note sync available in eM Client some day. Is this feature planned?

Is this feature planned?

I don’t know if an IMAP notes support is planned for Fastmail or any other IMAP server with Notes, so suggest you add your request to this other IMAP notes feature request thread.

There is alot of other Fastmail users with eM Client so hopefully will be added in the future.

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