Calendar subscription

How do you add a simple calendar subscription?
E.g. if you want to subscribe to an ics online calendar that provides relevant holidays. I tried with CalDAV but it didn’t work.

Hi Peter, unfortunately calendar subscription is currently not supported in eM Client.
Maybe in future releases.

Thank you,

That’s really sad. It’s a must-have for every calendar app!

Hi again, thank you for your input on this we’ll consider adding the feature to future releases, but most of new features are implemented based on our user feedback, if more people request this feature, we’ll be more than happy to add it to future releases of eM Client.

Thank you for understanding,

I can not for the life of me see why this feature is omitted. This is such a basic and fundamental thing. being able to share my calendar and subscribe to other colleagues. I was considering moving our whole organisation to emClient but will not be until this feature is added.

Hello Matthew, it is unfortunately not possible to subscribe to calendars from the eM Client’s interface yet, however with most major services displaying subscribed calendars is not impossible.

For example with gmail, all your subscribed calendars will be visible in eM Client, however you need to subscribe to the calendar using your online interface, similar behaviour is also used for iCloud account etc.

We’re working on improving this in future releases.


I agree with Peter that this is actually a must-have.
I tested eM Client and find it is absolutely outstanding.
However, in our company, we’re using a ticket system that provides due-date overviews as calendar subscription via ics. In Thunderbird (Lightning), I just add it as online/network calendar ressource.
Yet, with eM Client I’m currently not able to subscribe.

Since the calendar entries contain company-related information, it’s not an option to sync it with other platforms like yahoo or google to get the calendar entries into my client.

This missing option to subscribe to online/network calendars (online ics files), is the only missing prerequisite for me that stops me from buying a license of eM client out of the box!

thank you for this feedback, but if you are testing the Alpha version, please be aware that some things are not completely finished yet and report all problems and bug to [email protected] and not to the Support forum.
Thank you.


this feature is going to be in the upcoming version 7.


I will delete this post on this forum and just inform about this feature’s status above.