calendar slow to open

My Calendar takes 30 to 60 seconds to display events. It is linked to my icloud account, but often I can switch to my browser and open my icloud account faster than em Client will display my Calendar items. After the calendar opens, I can switch between mail and calendar quickly. What’s wrong?

Hi, it takes some time to synchronize all your events. You’re able to access your icloud calendar online quickly because you’re directly accessing the server, but em client has to download all the data to your database, and that can take some time, i believe 30-60 seconds is nothing to worry about… It’s only for the initial synchronization, once all your data is in em client you can browse through it quickly.

Thank you,

Thanks, but I’m not sure this is correct - even after I wait for the calendar to show me my events, if I change from one view to another (from week to month, or from one week to the next), there is still a lengthy lag before I can see the events or do anything else with em Client. If I’m trying to book a meeting, this is impractical. And a while after it does download the events, it seems to lose track of them and I have to wait for it again. I can put up with it while I try to figure out what the problem is, but I don’t think I want to deal with this every day.

Hi, when you switch from the Week/Month view etc. Do you see any operations in the bottom task bar? (e.g. are new items trying to be downloaded?), Is there an activity shown on the account?

Thank you,

Thanks for the follow-up. I don’t see any operations taking place in the bottom task bar. When I look at the activity log, I see that it is attempting to sync my icloud account with the following result: 0 uploaded, 0 deleted, 0 obsolete, 0 items,  0 downloaded. (I could send you a copy of the complete log offline if that would help.) I don’t know if this might be related, but when I start or shutdown eM Client, it seems to have trouble with the security certificate (I’ve tried several times to install the certificate, but eM Client does not find it and I have to authorize it manually. Any directions on fixing this?) Is it possible that this could be affecting the Calendar functioning?

Hi again, can you please download and run this tool ( at the moment when the application is “frozen” or stuck. It might be a bit difficult to run it at the exact moment, but please try to do that.

It will generate a dump file, can you please send me this dump file to [email protected] with a reference link to this forum topic?

Thank you,

Happy again - With Paul’s remote help, we eliminated the problem (wish I could say how exactly), and all is now running smoothly. Thanks.

No problem, I’m glad I could help.
For anyone following this issue, the problem was caused by deleted tasks showing up in the calendar, so the calendar had way too many tasks to display, this is an unusual behavior that should not occur again (hopefully), the issue was solved by simply hiding these items from the calendar.

Let us know if you encounter any other issue, we’ll be happy to help.

Thank you,