Auto Configuration, dns check

Is it possible to generate a config file that you can import into emclient which automatically installs the needed account?
Would be great when doing installs on many computers or when a you have to help customers etc install their accounts.
An example of how this is Apples iPhone Configuration Utility, it can generate a config file which works on both Macs an iOS devices.

It would also be great if em client could check for SRV DNS records for Caldav/Carddav, to automatically install those accounts aswell when running the Email “Automatic Setup”

100% agree

If any of you would also like to see the “delayed send” feature added to emClient, please vote for Delayed Send here:…


We are planning/considering some way of automatic setup, however I can’t say how exactly it will be done and if it will, but now we are considering it.

with regards