attachments in em7

Since installing em7 I am no longer able to send emails with attachments more than 2 MB. Anyone else have this problem? How can I fix it?

It works well, I have sent a mail to my own account with a 14 MB attachment. No problem. Maybe your e-mail provider doesn’t allow it. If it doesn’t work at all send a link to your Dropbox account, which can be opened immediately. 

Attachments coming in are no problem - just sending them. It’s not my my provider. I have been using the same one for 10 years and until I installed em7 I could email attachments of several MB. It has something to do with em7. Until now I have loved em and was even considering the PRO version but I want this problem fixed first. 

And I work with some people who don’t have access to Dropbox so that’s not an option. Nor is Drive, etc

My test mail went in and out.

Your partners don’t need a dropbox account. I send you a link and it goes like this:…%20Vote%20-%20SPIEGE…

Here is the instruction:

I appreciate you trying to help Ritchie but many people still work for organisations that ban access to Dropbox. I do use Dropbox for a lot of things but the fact is I have been able to email attachments without limitations all my Internet life - including using EM for the last few years, but there is something with EM7 on my machine that is blocking sending large attachments and I can’t work it out. If I go over to my Gmail account I can send big attachments with no problem, so it is EM v 7 that is the problem.  

O.K. Michael, I understand what you mean. So this is an issue for the eM7 support team.

I have same problem. Source of problem not in provider as from Windows 10 Mail I can send 10 mb and from Microsoft Outlook 50 mb . Problem is in eM Client 

Hello everybody,

Could you please specify who your provider is and what is the setup of your account? Do you get an error message of some kind? If that is the case, could you please enclose a screenshot of the error, open the third tab in the same window as the error titled ‘Log’ and copy its content here?

Thank you,

Well the problem seems to have fixed itself! I didn’t change a thing - all of a sudden em7 started accepting large attachments again! Maurice - I’ll let you know if the problem returns.

Unfortunately the problem is back. Tried to send a 2.7 MB attachment and it won’t go. 45 minutes later and it’s still sitting in my outbox. Switch to Gmail and it’s gone in 10 seconds. It is NOT a provider or account set up problem - it is definitely a em7 problem. 

I don’t get an error message. The message just sits unsent in my outbox.

If it’s not fixed soon I’ll have to go elsewhere…

Hello Michael,

Sorry to hear the issue came back. When it happens again, could you please post the content of the third tab titled ‘Log’ from the Menu ->Tools -> Operations window? Ctrl+A will copy everything.

Thank you,

Hi Maurice - thanks for getting back to me.

I have discovered that my attachments are being sent. However, in previous versions of em once an email and any attachments had been sent the email was moved automatically from from the Outbox to the Sent folder. But now, in em7, any email with large attachments stays in the Outbox permanently so it looks like they have not been sent. While it’s a bit annoying, I can live with that if I know the attachments are getting through.

But I will send you a screenshot of the log next time I try it.

  • Michael

Hello Michael,

Thanks for the update, please by all means post the content of the log when it happens again, preferrably in text form.

Thank you,

Hi Maurice.

After a couple of weeks of no problems sending large attachments the problem returned today with a file of 3 mb. Here’s the log content. (I have deleted the second part of my email address for security purposes.)

9:34:58 PM     “Unable to read data from the transport connection: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.”
9:34:58 PM    at MailClient.Protocols.Smtp.SmtpSendCommand.Execute(WorkerStatus status)
9:34:58 PM    at MailClient.Commands.Command.Process(WorkerStatus status)
9:37:45 PM michaelc@cha [SMTP]  Connecting: To michaelc@cha
9:37:45 PM michaelc@cha [POP3]  Connecting: To michaelc@cha
9:37:45 PM michaelc@cha [POP3]  Connected: To michaelc@cha
9:37:45 PM michaelc@cha [POP3]  Downloading messages: From michaelc@cha
9:37:45 PM michaelc@cha [POP3]  Disconnected: From michaelc@cha
9:37:45 PM michaelc@cha [POP3]  Disconnected: Done
9:37:47 PM michaelc@cha [SMTP]  Connected: To michaelc@cha
9:37:47 PM michaelc@ch [SMTP]  Sending messages
9:38:51 PM michaelc@cha [SMTP]  MailClient.Accounts.SocketException: Sending messages failed due to the following reason: 
9:38:51 PM     “Unable to read data from the transport connection: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.”
9:38:51 PM    at MailClient.Protocols.Smtp.SmtpSendCommand.Execute(WorkerStatus status)
9:38:51 PM    at MailClient.Commands.Command.Process(WorkerStatus status)
9:42:00 PM michaelc@cha [SMTP]  Connecting: To michaelc@cha
9:42:01 PM michaelc@char [SMTP]  Connected: To michaelc@cha
9:42:01 PM michaelc@cha[SMTP]  Sending messages
9:44:07 PM michaelc@cha [SMTP]  MailClient.Accounts.SocketException: Sending messages failed due to the following reason: 
9:44:07 PM     “Unable to read data from the transport connection: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.”
9:44:07 PM    at MailClient.Protocols.Smtp.SmtpSendCommand.Execute(WorkerStatus status)
9:44:07 PM    at MailClient.Commands.Command.Process(WorkerStatus status)

Now - 10 minutes later - the file has been sent! Seems they just take longer than they used to. They hang around in the Outbox for much longer. I sometimes get an error message and it appears as if it is not being sent, but it obviously is! So I guess I don’t have a big problem - I just have to be more patient.

Hello Michael,

Thank you for the update, we’re glad to hear that the e-mails do get send.
