After upgrading, GQueues no longer renders correctly

After updating to 6.0.24316.0, GQueues no longer renders correctly in the Widget settings. I’m assuming it’s the Javascript that might be causing the issue.

I’m tried to use this widget in the latest 4 versions of eM Client, but I was not able to view it correctly in either of them, could you please specify in which version you remember the widget working?
Also, is there any error message with Javascript? If so, could you copy it for me?


I’m not sure what version it was prior because I upgraded via the Check for Update menu option.   I don’t get an error.  The sidebars and the top menu show up, but the middle of the page which is rendered by (I’m assuming) the JavaScript is blank.  None of the drop downs work.  Is there a way to roll back to a previous version?

the previous version to the one you mention is 6.0.24230 and you can download the installation file here>…
You will need to uninstall the newer version first, but don’t be afraid, your database won’t be removed and once you install the older version it will load again.
