Account avatars appear cropped in unified inbox view

Hi, I recently noticed if I customize my account avatars they appear slightly cropped in the unified inbox (bottom and right edges). However, if I select any default avatar from the set, it appears fine.

Here I am using a PNG image of 128x128 pixels as my account avatar. Is there any prescribed size for account avatars that won’t crop or is it simply a bug?

Account with custom avatar:

Account with default avatar:


Another observation on the same subject - I noticed account avatars don’t appear cropped in certain sections. Attached screenshot indicates all the instances where account avatars are visible. Note the avatars in sections “A”, “D” and “E” appear fine but in sections “B” and “C” they don’t.

I hope I am not the only one facing this issue. Would appreciate if someone can verify this from their end. Thanks.