8.2 - Join online-meeting

There is a new feature added to the 8.2 version. Meeting invitation coming in email shows a Button telling - Join online meeting which is great WHILE in the Calendar event, there is not any button at all, why!?. There is either only the “link” to the meeting or nothing at all. Most of the time I use the Calendar event to join the meeting so it would make more sense to put the button in the Calendar event rather than in the email which is usually approved and deleted.
See the Screenshot: Cloud by Marek Vít

However - Is there any way of how to provide any feedback to the eMClient except this forum? For example to be part of any external testing activity?

The button is there:

Uff… Shame on me :see_no_evil: Thanks Gary! Haven’t noticed at all.

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Maybe it is not so obvious.

I had the same issue as I was expecting the button to be near the link. :blush: