Zeilenhöhe in Folderliste

ich versuche die Zeilenhöhe der Folderliste (in den Konten) zu verringern. Ich dachte die Option “Ordnerliste- Reihenhöhe” würde dies bewirken, allerdings hat die bei mir anscheinend keinerlei Funktion. Kann mir da jemand einen Tipp geben?
Vielen Dank Frank

I tried but that setting apparently cannot go below the 21 pixels default setting.

Maybe by editing the Theme file you can change it.

ok, thanks for suggestion. I’ll show in the theme file.

ok, I’ve checked some theme files. It seems that they only contain color parameters. the files are simple xml, not css.

Yes, simple size and color. Some borders, shading etc.  Not much else unfortunately.

the only way to change it I’ve found is to change the font for folderlist. I’ve found a good combination for me.