Outlock Calendar: Parametername: week parameter is less than 1 or greater than 5

I am
running a zarafa Server which synchronize well with two mobile
devices or with windows 10 mail, contact, calendar client.

Because I dislike the default client of windows I’m trying em Client. The client works well using a Outlock kind of conection configuration with contacts and mails, but it doesn’t work with the calendar. (Which as mentions above works well with other clients.)

I get an exception in the client and another in zarafa. The on in zarafa seams to be ignored, so this should be another problem.

Has anyone an idea what might going wrong?

I have got this log files (address replaced by [email protected]):

edit: "Das angegebene Argument liegt außerhalb des gültigen Wertebereichs." means something like: “Specified argument is out of range .”

em client:

12:22:21 [email protected] [AirSync]  Synchronisiere Ordner ‘[email protected]/Calendar/’ 12:22:22 [email protected] [AirSync]  MailExceptions.ConnectionException: Das angegebene Argument liegt außerhalb des gültigen Wertebereichs.
12:22:22 Parametername: week parameter is less than 1 or greater than 5 —> System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Das angegebene Argument liegt außerhalb des gültigen Wertebereichs.
12:22:22 Parametername: week parameter is less than 1 or greater than 5
12:22:22    bei System.TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime…ctor(DateTime timeOfDay, Int32 month, Int32 week, DayOfWeek dayOfWeek)
12:22:22    bei MailClient.TimeZone.TimeZoneConvert.SystemTimeToTransitionTime(SystemTime systemTime)
12:22:22    bei MailClient.TimeZone.TimeZoneConvert.FromTimeZoneInformation(Byte[] timeZoneInformation)
12:22:22    bei MailClient.Protocols.AirSync.AirSyncCalendarSynchronizer.d__25.MoveNext()
12:22:22    bei MailClient.Protocols.AirSync.AirSyncItemSynchronizer2.<commandstoitems>d__5b.MoveNext()</commandstoitems>_ _12:22:22 &nbsp; &nbsp;bei System.Linq.Enumerable.<selectmanyyield>d__313.MoveNext()
12:22:22    bei System.Collections.Generic.List1..ctor(IEnumerable1 collection)
12:22:22    bei System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable1 source)_ _12:22:22 &nbsp; &nbsp;bei System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable1 source)
12:22:22    bei MailClient.Protocols.Common.ScheduleItemSynchronizeContext1.StoreItems(SynchronizationType type, IEnumerable1 newItems)
12:22:22    bei MailClient.Protocols.Common.ItemSynchronizeContext2.Synchronize[T](SynchronizationType synchronizationType, IEnumerable1 items, Func2 getUniqueId, Func3 hasChanged, Func2 isDeleted, Func2 convertItems, Action2 updateItem)_ _12:22:22 &nbsp; &nbsp;bei MailClient.Protocols.AirSync.AirSyncItemSynchronizer2.Synchronize(IItemSynchronizeContext1 synchronizeContext, Folder folder, CancellationToken cancellationToken)_ _12:22:22 &nbsp; &nbsp;bei MailClient.Protocols.Common.ItemSynchronizer2.<>c__DisplayClass2e.<>c__DisplayClass33.b__2a(WorkerStatus status, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
12:22:22    bei MailClient.Protocols.AirSync.AirSyncGenericCommand.Execute(WorkerStatus status)
12:22:22    — Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung —
12:22:22    bei MailClient.Protocols.AirSync.AirSyncGenericCommand.Execute(WorkerStatus status)
12:22:22    bei MailClient.Commands.Command.Process(WorkerStatus status)
12:22:23 [email protected] [AirSync]  Synchronisiere Ordnerliste
12:22:26 [email protected] [AirSync]  Synchronisiere Ordner ‘[email protected]/Posteingang/’ 
12:22:28 [email protected] [AirSync]  Synchronisiere Ordner ‘[email protected]/Outbox/’ 
12:22:29 [email protected] [AirSync]  Synchronisiere Ordner ‘[email protected]/Gelöschte Objekte/’ 
12:22:31 [email protected] [AirSync]  Synchronisiere Ordner ‘[email protected]/Gesendete Objekte/’ 
12:22:32 [email protected] [AirSync]  Synchronisiere Ordner ‘[email protected]/Entwürfe/’ 
12:22:35 [email protected] [AirSync]  Synchronisiere Ordner ‘[email protected]/Junk E-mail/’ 

z-push error log:

15/10/2015 12:22:23 [1646] [ERROR] [user] Ignored broken message (SyncAppointment). Reason: ‘2’ Folderid: ‘29e2784ae9d14ad2b108b75a2b9422df4300000000000000’ message id ‘29e2784ae9d14ad2b108b75a2b9422dfe14d00000000’

z-push log file:

15/10/2015 12:22:22 [1646] [INFO] [user] Version=‘2.0.6-1616’ method=‘POST’ from=‘’ cmd=‘GetItemEstimate’ getUser=‘user’ devId=‘eMClient’ devType='DesktopClient’15/10/2015 12:22:22 [1646] [INFO] [user] Version=‘2.0.6-1616’ method=‘POST’ from=‘’ cmd=‘Sync’ getUser=‘user’ devId=‘eMClient’ devType=‘DesktopClient’
15/10/2015 12:22:23 [1646] [WARN] [user] Mobile loop detected! Messages sent to the mobile will be restricted to 2 items in order to identify the conflict
15/10/2015 12:22:23 [1646] [ERROR] [user] Ignored broken message (SyncAppointment). Reason: ‘2’ Folderid: ‘29e2784ae9d14ad2b108b75a2b9422df4300000000000000’ message id ‘29e2784ae9d14ad2b108b75a2b9422dfe14d00000000’
15/10/2015 12:22:24 [1646] [INFO] [user] Version=‘2.0.6-1616’ method=‘POST’ from=‘’ cmd=‘FolderSync’ getUser=‘user’ devId=‘eMClient’ devType=‘DesktopClient’
15/10/2015 12:22:27 [1646] [INFO] [user] Version=‘2.0.6-1616’ method=‘POST’ from=‘’ cmd=‘GetItemEstimate’ getUser=‘user’ devId=‘eMClient’ devType=‘DesktopClient’
15/10/2015 12:22:28 [1646] [INFO] [user] Version=‘2.0.6-1616’ method=‘POST’ from=‘’ cmd=‘Sync’ getUser=‘user’ devId=‘eMClient’ devType=‘DesktopClient’
15/10/2015 12:22:28 [1646] [INFO] [user] Version=‘2.0.6-1616’ method=‘POST’ from=‘’ cmd=‘GetItemEstimate’ getUser=‘user’ devId=‘eMClient’ devType=‘DesktopClient’
15/10/2015 12:22:29 [1646] [INFO] [user] Version=‘2.0.6-1616’ method=‘POST’ from=‘’ cmd=‘Sync’ getUser=‘user’ devId=‘eMClient’ devType=‘DesktopClient’
15/10/2015 12:22:30 [1646] [INFO] [user] Version=‘2.0.6-1616’ method=‘POST’ from=‘’ cmd=‘GetItemEstimate’ getUser=‘user’ devId=‘eMClient’ devType=‘DesktopClient’
15/10/2015 12:22:31 [1646] [INFO] [user] Version=‘2.0.6-1616’ method=‘POST’ from=‘’ cmd=‘Sync’ getUser=‘user’ devId=‘eMClient’ devType=‘DesktopClient’
15/10/2015 12:22:31 [1646] [INFO] [user] Version=‘2.0.6-1616’ method=‘POST’ from=‘’ cmd=‘GetItemEstimate’ getUser=‘user’ devId=‘eMClient’ devType=‘DesktopClient’
15/10/2015 12:22:33 [1646] [INFO] [user] Version=‘2.0.6-1616’ method=‘POST’ from=‘’ cmd=‘Sync’ getUser=‘user’ devId=‘eMClient’ devType=‘DesktopClient’
15/10/2015 12:22:33 [1646] [INFO] [user] Version=‘2.0.6-1616’ method=‘POST’ from=‘’ cmd=‘GetItemEstimate’ getUser=‘user’ devId=‘eMClient’ devType=‘DesktopClient’
15/10/2015 12:22:35 [1646] [INFO] [user] Version=‘2.0.6-1616’ method=‘POST’ from=‘’ cmd=‘Sync’ getUser=‘user’ devId=‘eMClient’ devType=‘DesktopClient’
15/10/2015 12:22:36 [1646] [INFO] [user] Version=‘2.0.6-1616’ method=‘POST’ from=‘’ cmd=‘GetItemEstimate’ getUser=‘user’ devId=‘eMClient’ devType=‘DesktopClient’
15/10/2015 12:22:42 [1646] [INFO] [user] Version=‘2.0.6-1616’ method=‘POST’ from=‘’ cmd=‘Sync’ getUser=‘user’ devId=‘eMClient’ devType=‘DesktopClient’
15/10/2015 12:26:06 [1646] [INFO] [user] Version=‘2.0.6-1616’ method=‘POST’ from=‘’ cmd=‘GetItemEstimate’ getUser=‘user’ devId=‘eMClient’ devType=‘DesktopClient’

Hi Alex,
can you tell me which version of eM Client are you running?
Also, please go to Tools>Settings>Advanced and turn on AirSync log for this account and after this error pops up again, go back to the advanced settings and click “Send logs”. Change the recipient to me ([email protected]) and add link to this forum thread in the body of the message.

Best regards,

for documentation my mail to Olivia:

Hi Olivia,  
you asked me for AirSync log files and the Version of eM Client.
Version is: 6.023421.0
Link to forum thread: https://forum.emclient.com/emclient/topics/outlock-calendar-parametername-week-parameter-is-less-than-1-or-greater-than-5
Thanks for your help.
Kind regards

Olivia supports me by mail in a very kindly way. Thank you Olivia. :wink:

But for the problem the short resume is:

Zarafa of version:
Product version: 7,1,11,45875
File version: 45875

is supported by eM client of version:

only for mails (imap in my case), not for contacts or calendar.

For me that means I have to look for another client, I am going to test Outlook – in the case of mails I wont to use my PC in the same way I use my mobile. - Never thought that would be such a difficulty way…