list of recently received emails

When I let the computer alone for a while and I get a dozen of emails during that time then where can I know from in which folders are the new emails filtered?

Bold folders and numbers are not informative because previously I had unread emails as well. The best would be to extend the Tools => Operations => Log list with incoming and outgoing emails and make this list available by one click.

My previous email client (Courier Email Client) wrote such a list of events. When I started it after a long holiday and retrieved ~100 of emails then it produced a bit more than 100 lines in the log in the following way:

Retrieving 1 of 100. -> Successful
Retrieving 2 of 100. -> Successful

Retrieving 100 of 100. -> Successful
Deleted message: "*****SPAM***** AWARD NOTIFICATION "
Deleted message: “14 ismerosod a valaszodra var”

Deleted message: “*****SPAM***** MUTUAL TRUST”
Logging out of POP3 account: ‘[email protected]’ -> Successful
Disconnecting -> Successful
New messages reside in the following folder(s):
[1] Received Mail\Incoming_Work
[92] Received Mail\Spam(Filtered)
[7] Received Mail

From this list it is easy to see where to find the newly downloaded emails.

I would like to have sg similar in eM Client if it is possible. Is it possible in any way?

The Communication History is not good because it shows only the last emails in one particular folder.

the idea sounds good, I will add it to our official feature requests list and our programmers will consider it.

hi, did they answer anything about this?


Sorry, can I get any answer for this problem?

The problem is if I switch on my computer in the morning and emclient downloads 20-40 emails then the rules spread them into several folders. In takes much time to check all of them in which are new mails.

The same problem arises if during the day I see the bubble about incoming mail. If I am too slow and I can not read the content of the bubble then I have to start a new exploring the place of the new email.

I would like to know when will be this feature available. Thanks.

we made a brainstorming about your topic. Thanks for your suggestion. It sounds reasonable.
Currently we consider notifications of all folders which will probably not help you. This will be probably available very soon.
Another feature we consider is some kind of notification history (which will be helpful in your issue) but not in the way you suggested. It will be probably available in one of the future versions if we finally decide to implement it.


Could You inform me about this issue? I am waiting for it very much but in 3.5 it is still not working (as much as I can see).

It is on our long-term to-do list so we cannot give you any exact information or dates.

I think it is not too difficult to extend the Operation window (which I can open by clicking on the left icon on the status bar) to show more lines.

I would be happy to user this function as soon as possible. :slight_smile:

Imagine that I have ~15 folders because I am member of several mailing lists. If I get a new mail then I have to check all of them to find where the new arrival is. Even more, I do not know how many new emails have arrived during the last mailbox checking session so if I find one then I can not stop because maybe there were two or more new mails.

So every new incoming mail causes me a procedure to check all of my incoming folders. Therefore this function would be very nice for me.

I can imagine if someone have more folders than me, for example (s)he wants to separate the incoming mails by sender and he has ~50 colleges then it is really a nightmare to check those folders.

Would it be possible to increase the priority of this issue?

I know that integration of new features (skype, twitter, facebook, etc.) looks well in a feature matrix but the every day usability is even more important.

Is there any step forward in this issue?

Unfortunately not. But let me ask you a question: why do you keep some emails unread? If you mark them as read, it would solve your problem, or not?

Well, if I get a new mail and I do know from it’s subject presented over the tray that it is not so urgent and I will read it some days later then I do not want to mark it as a read one. So this remains in unread state.

I have hundreds of emails received weeks or months ago which were not read but I would like to distinguish them from the newest ones. That’s why this feature would be nice to have.

All unread messages should be in the folder Unread under Global folders.

Sorry, but I do not agree with You. :slight_smile:

I have several filters which redirect my incoming mails into different folders according to their origin. These many folders help me to postpone reading emails that are coming from unimportant mailing lists.

If I had to keep all of them in one “Unread” folder then it would be much more difficult to select which one to read now and which one later.

A possible solution would be to duplicate the whole folder structure under the “Unread” and the “Read” folder but this would make my life even more complicated. After reading one email I would have to move it from the “Unread\mailing_lists\php” to the *corresponding* “Read\mailing_lists\php”. This drag-and-drop operation has the risk of dropping in wrong folder which causes further complications.

I think the “what’s new incoming” log would be a great thing.

Sorry, but I do not think You are right.

The aim of rules for incoming mails is exactly to separate them into the proper folder. If I put all of them into the Unread folder then I should filter them manually later. That is the thing which I really do *not* want to do.

I know that emails from facebook are less urgent, emails from my ISP or electricity supplier is a bit more urgent and the ones that are coming from my boss or the teacher of my daughter are the most important ones. That means filtering is a fairly good estimation about how important an email is.

I receive more than thousand emails each month. I am member of several mailing lists, some social network sites, each service provider of our household sends me emails, so filtering is really a *must* for me. I use more than 20 filter rules and a dozen of folders. I can not live without folders so manual picking-and-putting is not a solution for me.

I expect from my email client to rearrange the incoming mails into the defined folder structure and give me some information where the newest emails are. I think this is not an unreasonable request.

How do You suggest I should handle these huge amount of my incoming mails without comfortable filtering?