How can I get eM Client to capitalize " i " when it stands alone.

I looked under settings for the spell checker but can’t figure out if there Is a way to set it to capitalize the letter " i " when used as a standalone word. None of the mail rules looked like they would apply either. Any help would be appreciated.

Hi, unfortunately no, you can turn on automatic capitalization of the first letter but not the capitalization of i to I as a word.
If you’d like to see this future you can make an Idea topic and we will consider it in future releases.

I hope you understand,
Thank you.


Two years ago and still not available?  REALLY. The more I use this the more it sucks. Junk email filter is awful. Anything come through. How do you change the junk mail filter to stop all this crap?


perhaps I missed the point, but do you really ask for a feature that helps you to write “I” uppercase? As a native English speaking person?? (just guessing…)

regarding the Spam-Filter: 
doesn ́t  your eMail-Account-Provider offer a good Spam-Filter? mine do.