GMail Starred folder dissapeared after update


Just updated to the new version 7 and the Starred folder just dissapeard. At first, it invited me to allow All Mail folder in the GMail setting, which I did, because it would not sync mail withou it at all.

Starred folder is allowed in the settings - see the attached screenshot.

Any suggestions? 

I have been using eM Clinet since ver. 5 and never have had such a problem…

Hello Web,

There has been a change in the way Starred e-mails are displayed in version 7. They are now shown as flags, since we felt it better corresponded to their intended usage.


Hallo Maurice,

Thank you for your reply. Meanwhile I have found a solution, which might be useful for users like me (who like to have all eggs in one basket:)

Simply turn on the Smart Folders  function in Settings -> General. There you find a folder with all marked/starred messages. Voila!

However, this folder shows them as “unread” all the time in the left folder bar. That looks like a bug to me.



Hello Radim,

Glad to hear that the Flagged folder meets your needs.

For an Inbox, the purpose of seeing the number of unread messages is to give you an idea of how much work lies ahead of you. Since the purpose of flagging/starring is to set apart important messages that you usually need to take further action on, eM Client shows how many of these are in the folder for the same reason. This is also the case with the Drafts folder.


OK got it :slight_smile:

I have two inboxes, and the Smart Folder “Flagged” has ALL my “starred” emails. I liked it when I had my Starred folder for each email account IN the email account.  Is there a Flagged for each inbox?

different query

Please reference the new conversation here: ‘Flagged’ folders for separate accounts