Contact updates won't stop popping up

I am having issues with popup boxes continually popping up in regards to updating contacts.

Subject of box: Synchronization of folder [email protected]/Contacts

Failed to upload contact “[email protected]

The contact was modified both on the remote server and locally. You can either download the contact from server, losing your local changes, or overwite the contact on server causing server changes to be lost. Which action do you want to take?

Gives two options, overwrite local and overwrite remote

I can’t figure out why this box keeps popping up with random contacts in gmail. I am not doing anything with contacts at all but these boxes just keep coming up. I keep clicking overwrite local but they don’t stop coming. Any advise?

Try to choose Overwrite remote and let me know if it helps .

I also have this issue and Overwrite remote doesn’t seem to make any difference. This popup constantly is very annoying and frustrating!

I agree. I tried both and they keep coming up. Usually for the same individual over and over.

Agreed. It typically does happen with the same contacts repeatedly. If I may ask, to others having this issue, are the affected contacts people that you are also affiliated with on Facebook? I have narrowed my issue down to Facebook contacts only today.

I am experiencing the same problem. This is a rather new eM Client installation, from a couple of weeks ago, or so. The messages started popping up a day or two ago (“Failed to upload contact”, same as explained above by Conley).

I don’t think Facebook has anything to do with it, as I haven’t defined any Facebook accounts in eM Client. The people, for which the messages pop up, happen to be Facebook friends, but this is not something eM Client would know about, the way I had it configured. Furthermore, I haven’t had any correspondence of any kind with them since the time I installed eM Client.

I suspect this is more likely related to GTalk rather than Facebook.

Can you please post here a screenshot of the error message? Thank you.

The error is exactly as reported by Conley above:

This usually happens when you access your contacts in multiple devices. It should prevent you from data loss and conflicts. If you are sure you want to keep the local version of your contact, click “Overwrite remote”.

Please clarify what do you mean by “access your contacts”.
The contacts for which this message pops up have not been updated for months. Additionally, I have not made any communication with them for a similar amount of time.
Furthermore, at no point have I made any changes to the contacts from emClient. I only make them either from my Android phone, or from Google’s interface.
For these reasons I always select the “overwrite local”. The point, however, which you completely miss, is that these messages should not pop up at all, as the contacts have not been consciously updated by myself, neither remotely, nor locally, contrary to the assertion in the message’s first line. The same holds to the original poster’s situation, according to my understanding.

I keep getting this as well – doesn’t seem to matter if I overwrite locally or remotely.

the popup message does not appear from a blue - the contact must be changed. What applications do you use for managing your contacts?

As was explicitly explained, these messages *DO* appear _out of_ the blue.

Quoting myself above:
The contacts for which this message pops up have not been updated for months. Additionally, I have not made any communication with them for a similar amount of time.

Quoting Conley at the top:
I can’t figure out why this box keeps popping up with random contacts in gmail. I am not doing anything with contacts at all but these boxes just keep coming up.

In that case please email me directly at [email protected] for further instructions. Thank you,

What ended up being the resolution for this? I almost never change anything with my contacts and I get the box coming up for the same contact and/or random contacts all the time - overwrite local or remote doesn`t seem to make any difference, it keeps coming up.

Hi, this usually pops up when you change the contact remotely (in a different application maybe) is this possible in your case? Do the pop up keep showing up on your desktop? Can you make a screenshot of the issue? What version of eM client are you using? And what mail service are you using?

Thank you,

Thats the thing though, this pops up anywhere from 0-20 times in a day. I`m almost always using the client on one machine, and its extremely rare that I have reason to modify a contact.

I have two hosted google accounts (the paid ones), one for work, one for me personally so they have a custom domain i.e. [email protected] and [email protected].

According to the client, I`m using version 6.0.20154.0.

The error I get is almost always the one from the above post:

But I also very frequently get:

Whats interesting is, the first error I get on my work email - I don`t think I’ve seen it with my personal email.

The second one crops up half a dozen times a day for both accounts - if theyre separate issues, Ive not problem treating them as such. I figured Id mention it in case theyre related.

Hi, it’s actually possible that if you’re using that email on more devices the contact can be modified without your input actually, for example by your phone or by gmail when you’re sending out emails etc.

Can you try right clicking your contacts folder and select Properties > Repair and click on the repair button?

Are you using any Proxy/Firewall software on your computer? I believe both errors are not really related in this case.

Thank you,

Ok, we`ll ignore the second one for the moment since it crops up mostly at work and I have no control over what firewalls are doing - but locally, the firewall is turned off.

I did the repair thing, and it seems to help for a while, and then comes back. It seems like the behavior should be that the newer should overwrite the older - or at least the should be a setting to do this automatically. Is there a way to tell what it thinks is changing?


Hi Variable,

You can suppress showing the ‘operations’ window as follows:

Tools > Settings > General > General

uncheck ‘show window when an error occurs’.

screen shot:

By the way: I think you should be able to search in this forum when you start a new topic. Hiding this error window is probably the most asked question here.