
What I would like is to see is aliases handled much like identities in Thunderbird.

In eM Client, sending from an alias simply changes the reply to address (return-path) in the email header, not the mail from address. So receiving an email sent from an alias does not appear to come from the alias, but the parent account.

In Thunderbird, identities have the option for setting different SMTP accounts to the parent, so an email sent from an identity has the identity email address as both the from and the reply to address.

Of course what you can do, and what I have done, is to setup so many SMTP only accounts in eM Client to handle this.  And because you can’t setup a SMTP only account, you have to setup IMAP/POP and then disable the IMAP/POP section leaving just the SMTP. Takes a lot more time to do it in eM Client this way, than setting up identities in Thunderbird. And for those on free accounts - sorry but the 2 account limit makes this method beyond reach.

I found it DOES change the From address if you have the alias set up with Gmail as well as eM Client…

I have a few aliases set up in Gmail. During setup, the web interface contacts the SMTP server you’re using so it can check your credentials (port, account, password), and if ok then it accepts the alias as an address you’re allowed to post as.

Once that’s set up, adding the alias to your gmail account in eM Client will produce emails with the correct FROM and REPLY-TO addresses (i.e. your alias address), but it will NOT change the RETURN-PATH address (which remains your gmail parent address).

I don’t understand why it’s doing this, because sending email from the gmail web interface DOES use the correct Return-Path for that alias.

This has taken me hours and hours to figure out, and isn’t usually a problem, but when sending emails to a list server it is a SERIOUS PROBLEM!

To minimise spam from spoofed addresses, some list servers block emails which don’t have the correct matching Return-Path. So if you’re unlucky enough to need to post messages to a list server that enforces the Return-Path contents, eM client’s alias simply won’t work. Even worse, gmail’s system ignores incoming emails sent by you via a list server so you can’t actually tell when your list emails aren’t being posted, because the only copy ever visible in gmail is the one you SENT and not the one that came back from the list server! I have less hair today than yesterday because of this, and I didn’t have much to start with ;o)

Why can’t eM Client change the Return-Path for its aliases?

Yes of course I can set up a SMTP-only account, that’s a very good point Gary, and I’d already done that, but I don’t need the extra account for anything else, so it would be far better if eM Client would honour the Return-Path setting like Gmail itself does on the exact same aliases!


This feature would be helpful. My use case is sub-addressing or tagged addressing.

For example I’ll use the ‘+’ or plus sign delimiter to create special email addresses for specific tasks such as corresponding with tech support.

Emails for support originate from ‘seth+support@<>’. When responses arrive to that same address, they are automatically sorted into an IMAP folder named ‘support’ without hitting the Inbox, (assuming your IMAP server supports subaddressing, I know Dovecot does).

The problem is I need to be able to send from address ‘seth+support@<>’ so as to not break their ticketing system and email conversation threading.</></>

Return-path appears to work as desired. I discovered that I can add aliases via Menu => Tools => Accounts => General  => ‘Aliases…’ button.

Then I sent a test message from the new email alias and the email header contains the desired "Return-Path:

Yes, if it works for your situation, it is a very handy feature. :slight_smile:

I have been struggling with eM Client’s From/Reply-To Alias failure for over a year.

When using and sending From the Alias I have setup in eM Client, the email does not send.
I had to add the email account I want to send From/Reply to persuade eM Client to send the mail.

This can’t be that difficult since Apple’s IOS Mail and Nine Email apps have been operating this way for years.